We obtained over $130,000 judgment for our client and against a defendant corporation after two-year litigation on a breach of contract claim.
Uzyskalismy wyrok w wysokosci $130,000 dolarow dla naszego klienta i przeciwko korporacji for 2-ch latach procesu sadowego. Sprawa dotyczyla zlamanej umowy.
“Pragne podziekowac za pomoc jakiej udzielila mi Pani w staraniu o zielona karte!”
[“I would like to say thank you for all your help in obtaining my green card!]
~Marian K.
$12,000.00 recovery for a client who tripped and fell on a protruding sidewalk in the Northwest suburbs. The recovery was obtained based on a demand letter only.
$12,000.00 dollarow wynegocjowane dla klientki ktora potknela sie na wystajacym chodniku na ponocno-zachodnich przedmiesciach; kwota zostala wynegocjowana bez sprawy sadowej.>
“Jestem bardzo szczesliwy, ze juz nie bede musial chodzic do szkoly i ze to zycie w ciaglej niepewnosci , czy nie bede musial opuszczac Ameryki , juz sie skonczylo, chwilami nie dawalem juz rady, praca i szkola, ciagly pospiech, niewiele czasu na odpoczynek. Dziekuje jeszcze raz bardzo za pomoc, ze wszystko sie dobrze ulozylo i szczesliwie i z sukcesem zakonczyly sie moje starania o zielona karte.”
[“I am so happy, I don’t have to go to school anymore, and that my life in constant uncertainty that I don’t have to leave the U.S is over; sometimes I couldn’t do it anymore: work, school, and constant rushing, and no time to rest. Thank you so much for all your help and that everything turned out right and I finally received my green card.”]
~Edmund T.
$15,000.00 recovery for a rape victim in a civil matter, when the prosecutor refused to charge the perpetrator for lack of evidence; the recovery was obtained on a demand letter only.
$15,000.00 dollarow wynegocjowane dla ofiary gwaltu gdzie prokurator odmowil skarzenia gwalciciela z braku wystarczajacych dowodow; kwota zostala wynegocjownan na stopie cywilnej bez sprawy sadowej.>
“I just want to take the this time to THANK YOU, attorney Karlin, for all your help. You are the best Attorney that I have ever met, and I will be sure to pass your name on for more clients. I will never hire another attorney. I will keep you around as my attorney as long as you are around. Thanks again for everything!”
[“Chce powiedziec DZIEKUJE, Pani mecenas, za pomoc jaka mi Pani udzielila. Jest Pani najlepszym adwokatem, jakiego kiedykolwiek spotkalem. Przekaze Pani imie wszystkim znajomym. Juz nigdy nie bede szykal innego adwokata. Pani zawsze bedzie moim adowkatem, tak dlugo jak Pani bedzie pracowac. Jeszcze raz dziekuje za wszystko!”]
~Jonathan F. (custody case)
We successfully obtained renewal of a green card and citizenship for a client who had two theft convictions on his record. It is not an easy thing to do because two theft offenses mean that a person can be deported and potentially may never obtain citizenship.
Szczesliwie zakonczylismy sprawe klienta ktory mial dwa skazania kryminalne za kradzierz. Odnowilismy jego zielona karte i doprowadzili sprawe o obwatelstwo do szczesliwego konca.>
Our client received a permanent green card after only 11 months of marriage. Under ordinary circumstances removal of a condition occurs only after two years of marriage. For our law firm, short duration of the marital status was not an issue.
Klientka otrzymala stala zielona karte tylko po 11-stu miesiacach malzenstwa. Usuniecie warunkowosci z zielonej karty jest przy normarlnych okolicznosciach mozliwe dopiero po uplywie dwoch lat. Dla naszej firmy krotki starz malzenski nie byl problemem.
16 year old client who was charged as an adult for a felony aggravated battery walked away a free man when his case was dismissed. All thanks to hard work and cooperation of attorneys Karlin and Joel Brodsky.
16-sto letni klient ktory zostal oskarzony jako dorosly o napad z bronia w reku, zostal wypuszczony na wolnosc dzieki staraniom mecenasow Karlin i Joel Brodsky.
A wife accused her husband of abusing her mentally and physically. She hoped to get a two-year order of protection against him and have the marital residence all to herself while the husband was paying mortgage on the house. But thanks to attorney Karlin’s efforts and in spite unfavorable facts, the husband was able to move back to the house.
Zona oskarzyla meza o pobicie. Miala nadzieje uzyskac 2-wu letni order of protection przeciwko mezowi i wyrzucic go z domu na te dwa late kiedy maz splacal dom. Dzieki staraniom mecenas Karlin, po rozprawie maz byl wstanie wprowadzic sie spowrotem do domu.